The GitHub + Slack Integration Your Team Deserves

Stop Getting Lost in a Sea of Notifications

You deserve better than a Slack channel cluttered with irrelevant updates. Today’s integrations leave you with two options: deal with the noise or turn off notifications and risk missing something critical.

With the official integration, customizing alerts and managing noise is a frustrating, ongoing challenge. Whether it’s being unable to mute noisy bots like Dependabot, lacking the flexibility to route different events to separate channels, or receiving irrelevant pull request notifications, teams are left struggling to make it work for them.

Get Back in Control

Filter Events Precisely

Tailor alerts for different environments—production, QA, or staging—and keep your Slack channels focused and relevant.

Advanced Pull Request Notifications

Only get updates for pull requests that are ready for your team. Zero in on the events that require action, not just noise.

Eliminate Bot Noise

Say goodbye to irrelevant Dependabot notifications and regain control of your team’s focus.

Subscribe to Team Activities

No more manually adding or removing repositories one by one. Subscribe to everything your team works on and keep everyone in the loop effortlessly.

Why ChivesBot?

Get the notifications you need—without writing a single line of code.

Customize Alerts to Fit Your Workflow

Set up notifications exactly the way you want them. Route production deploys to a dedicated channel, flag PRs that need review, or mute noisy bots like Dependabot—all from an intuitive interface.

No Scripts, Just Clicks

Forget about fiddling with GitHub Actions or complex scripts just to keep your team in the loop. ChivesBot lets you create and update notifications with a few clicks—no maintenance, no hassle.

Ready to End Notification Overload?

Join the early access list. Your team deserves better.

Get notified as soon as ChivesBot is available and be the first to experience notifications without the noise.